Cosmetic Consultations

Cosmetic Consultations

Changing and rejuvenating your skin is a process. Starting that process can be confusing and even a little intimidating. With so many new and innovative treatments and procedures, it is hard to know what is appropriate for you. We recommend that you begin by scheduling a personal consultation with one of our consultants. She will then initiate your program by performing a thorough history and skin care analysis, followed by a series of personal recommendations that will help you achieve your goals for beautiful skin.

Cosmetic Mole Or Growth Removals, Skin Tag Removal

As we mature each year, our skin tends to develop a number of benign growths that can become a physical and cosmetic nuisance. At Atlanta North Dermatology, we are expert at treating and removing such growths in a manner that helps ensure your skin’s best possible appearance.


Sclerotherapy is the gold standard procedure for the removal of unwanted spider veins on the legs. Using a tiny needle, a mild sclerosing agent is directly injected into the veins causing their disappearance over the course of three to six weeks. There is generally minimal discomfort during this 20 minute procedure.